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Why SaepioX is committed to helping buy-side
to comply with the FX global code


Many sell-side institutions have already signed up – but still, in 2021 only a few
Buy-side institutions have joined.

SaepioX is dedicated to helping buy-side to become compliant.

We help institutions with both the systems required to live to the principles as well as the

organizational implementation needed.
It is a wall to wall turnkey solution that guides the buy-side institutions securely through the principles towards having a compliant infrastructure and organization.






The FX global code consists of 55 principles of good practice that function as a guide to ethical behaviour in the FX market.
We encourage our clients to sign up, for obvious reasons.

Since 2015, the Bank of International Settlement (BIS) and Central banks around the globe have worked together with market participants to set the best practice for FX trading.

At SaepioX, we align our solution with the code and help our client to ensure compliance together with operational efficiency.
If you want to know more about the code and how SaepioX can help you, then 
Contact | SaepioX


For more information FX Global Code (

A set of global principles of good practice
in the foreign exchange market 

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